Friday, March 23, 2007


Actually having a couple of days at home without meetings gives me space to breathe... it's pure delightful coincidence that it's spring like and the mud-luscious world etc. is abounding.

On my streets:

- while running, yesterday, down sodden, grimy spadina to the lake: a man, running with good form, in running tights and good shoes, a running shirt... and a navy blue satin corset, and a ponytail high on his head.

- at yonge and wellesley today, a guy in a white tshirt, running shoes, the sort of red busy cargo shorts that are completely overtechnical for anything short of a rockface, and a red santa hat; then, suddenly, a naked torso as the shirt was too much for him.

- in the cafeteria at Trinity college, working in a beverage-friendly environment: an earnest young man intoning "but in nature you are CLOSEST to GOD." And an earnest, plump, long-haired, spotty young woman who could be plunked out of any of the past four decades, tutoring an older woman on the praxis of ministry -- sermon writing, managing lay people, really making people FEEL your faith.

The sun is still a bit stiff and disused, not certain it wants to lure people outside just yet. But it's making me restless.


Anonymous said...

also- that e.e. cummings reference has forever been ruined for me because of an "afterschool special/very special issue"-type film we watched in the 6th grade...

it was very very strange. it was about a boy who had anger issues or "did drugs" or something, and retaliated against his teacher (who had done something vile like trying to help him) by going back to the classroom after school...there, he proceeded to rant out loud while tearing into chunks the teacher's beloved cummings first edition (from which he had given a heartfelt reading to the class, earlier in the plot).

there was also some plot point about this boy having only one thing he really liked, which was helping the guy at the.. zoo? for the deer....
however, later in his rampage, he also snuck into the deer shed and smashed things around there too...only to show up the next morning to find the caretaker sadly dragging away the bodies of dozens of dead deer, with the sad story that somehow rat poison fell into all the deer food. i'm really really not kidding.

Anonymous said...

also, the teacher later found the book and cried.

no wonder it's so imprinted on my psyche.

Anonymous said...

even more hilarious- after remembering it for that post, (I clearly had to try to look up what that film actually was), and being mighty perplexed as to how i could google it based on "a cummings 1st edition gets destroyed at some point in the film", the title itself suddenly popped into my head after being forgotten for over half my life...and it's on YOUTUBE!

i don't know if i want to watch it or not