Thursday, August 07, 2008

Why I should never wear white

when I travel:

This return journey qualifies as one of the weirder travel screwups I've ever done. First, booked my flight out of Eagle, not Aspen, because the Snowmass website said there were shuttles from Eagle. Shuttle turns out to cost $340. So I hired a rental car, got a ride to Aspen airport, picked it up early (because that's when the ride was), thought I'd stop for lunch or something. The drive across I-70 was unbelievably glorious (is this roaring forks valley, maybe? Dwarfing cliffs on both sides). Got here in this teeeeeeeny tiny airport ludicrously early. Returned car, then discovered that a) there was no one working at United counter; b) couldn't check in my bag until 2.5 hours from then; c) no coffee or food outside security; d) couldn't enter security with my bag.

Sat grumpily in chair for an hour, then Mr United showed up. Took bag, waitlisted me on earlier flight. Went through security. Where I am literally the ONLY passenger here in this entire airport. Friendly people serving bad coffee and soggy bagels.

Earlier flight canceled, so I'm busy spilling coffee on my only clean shirt and hoping to make it home sometime today. The hills just out of reach of these windows are mighty fine, though.


Liz said...

FYI - I feel I have made sufficient comment on this entry IRL. ;)

Anonymous said...

Cate, I don't know how I missed this entry but I just wanted to note that despite the coffee stain, your breasts look fantastic. ;-)

- zelda