In addition to being the-day-after-my-move, today is also the 14th anniversary of my dad's death.
I'm too sleepy and frazzled to wax poetic, but I miss him and wish I'd had him around as a grown up.
This is one of my favourite pics of him, in the tent of the VW camper van that trundled us across Europe. This was probably in Scandanavia somewhere in 1973.
Night Dad.
Awww Cate. You must miss him. That's such a great picture.
Thanks Katie....
It's lovely you've got such great memories of him. Thinking of you today.
Tony'd have a blog.
What a beautiful picture; I miss him too.
Godson Matt
Thanks for all your help in piecing together a good photo collection.
It's shocking how much I look like him these days, especially since there's so much of my mom in my appearance too.
This made me all teary.
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