Monday, October 09, 2006

The most heterosexual thing I've ever done

I went to Harry Rosen this weekend and bought a man a tie. The most perversely heterosexual act I've ever committed. F has an Important Interview next week in LA, and this was a talisman for him. The experience was surreal -- but oddly fun. More impersonation :-).

It was a good weekend, real watershed "here we are as a we" moment. Good time to fold into thanksgiving. Low key turkey at D&D's was just about perfect last night.

And now, I'm sleepy. Finished setting up the shiny-covet-one-of-my-own nano I bought for A for her birthday (on these fronts, I may be the Best Ex Ever), and now I'm eyeing the paper I should be pecking away at, the theory I should be trying to blear my way through, and instead I think I'll end up picking up either the new Alice Munro I bought yesterday or the Lynn Peril social history of women as college students. Sleep. Popcorn for dinner, in bed, I think.


Spidertattoo said...

Best blog post title ever!

And... happy for you, sweetie :-)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it can be daring, even counter-cultural to frame an act as heterosexual; it all depends on your culture. Which begs the question: what's the most vanilla thing you've ever done?

Anonymous said...

It is indeed a fine tie, but not exactly the same one shown in the illustration. The design on the Actual Tie is, well, squiggly. This, and the fact of its purchase by my sweet CateC, gave me a certain charge as I presented myself for interview. Wearing my gorgeous yet clearly squiggly tie blatantly, I confronted rooms full of arrow-straight Deans and Professors. Yet we were in LA. Maybe their squiggle was hidden? F