Monday, September 15, 2008


I started three different posts today, but my PMS ADD took over here as with everything else in my life (I have four knitting projects sprawled across my kitchen countertop, and nibbled at 5 pieces of different work today without accomplishing anything). But I have some vague nothing that keeping my finger on this blog (like the way you press a shoelace to hold it while you're tying the bow) is somehow a way to hold together all the flapping laces. All this traveling, plotting, exploring, trying to figure out how to make the next life happen. But I had all this impulse today that amounted to nothing.

So enough to say that I had a really lovely weekend with my family in Ottawa, particularly with my nieces, who are at a delightful stage. It was a pretty low key weekend -- a nice brunch at M's, lots of playing and dancing with the girls, good talks with E, monitoring my other sister's recently lasered eyeballs for signs of alien invasion. Last night we had a birthday party "for EVERYONE," complete with ice cream cake, balloons, and candles, and I grinned all the way to the airport in loopy's 1969 cinquecento.

It was a good weekend, but getting back monday morning and knowing I'm leaving in 48 hours again apparently serves the same function as jet lag, where I just want to lie down quietly and knit the cuff of my sweater AGAIN, after ripping it out for the third time.

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