Friday, May 01, 2009

5 years

I was wandering around my neighbourhood today killing time while more viewers (probably #20 or so) looked at my place and decided not to fall in love with it, and I went into this quirky little store in the market that's kind of a bookstore, kind of a cooking-stuff store. I had the notion that I might buy something for my new kitchen. Instead I picked up this 5 year diary.

It's tiny -- doesn't give you much room for any day -- but I like the idea of the flow of days over time. I was thinking about how different I am today than I was 5 years ago, and all that's unexpected about my life right now. I was wondering of course what May 1, 2014 would look like. I can't imagine.

I've never been great at the every-day-discipline stuff, but I think 3 lines -- a gutenberg-era twitter space -- should be doable. Not quite sure *what* to capture, though. Food? Dreams? (Let's not even GO there, given the horrifyingly explicit electra dream I had last night involving my father and a flowered bathing cap). Sensations? One dominant thought?

Now I just need a really good PEN.


Renee Roberts said...

Something you actually *did* that day. When I look back at journals of thoughts, I have the same thoughts and feelings all the time. But when I look back at what I did, I recapture how I felt, and also am surprised at how much there is.

One thing you did. Every day.

katherine said...

I haven't read since the "red ipod" post, cuz you went m.i.a. for a while (though i should talk!), and now i pop in, and see i have missed much writing! however, for the first time in a long time, none of the news was news! more like details and liner notes to the things i know have been going on.

i do love our slap-dash moments together, and am glad we manage to squeeze so much conversation and catching up into such brief visits.

....and..... the thread of emotion of this page of the blog (the last 6 posts or so)-- i must say, it goes from heartbroken to hopeful, very, very, subtly... which makes me want to hug you, and, glad i read it.

you are an amazing woman cate!