Saturday, January 06, 2007

And by the way?

My sister's comments on my peeping tom santa post? Hilarious.

-Any depictions created by religious factions who, having accepted the inextricability of Santa from Christmas, attempt to gain-by-working-WITH the secular fence-sitters, and show Santa happily working hand-in-hand with Jesus. No matter how they try, it just always winds up really really creepy. These Santas never seem wholesome, they seem like Santa got some favour from the mob years ago, took his time paying up until he found a reindeer's head in his bed, and is now shilling for Jesus only because of the unseen machete digging into his back, a look of terror always visible behind the forced smile in his eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad that those were your thoughts, and not, "I fear that my sister drinks too much, and then promptly goes online to hijack various bloggers' comments pages in order to ramble on pointlessly"
