Thursday, February 01, 2007

Touching down

I'm packing, again, this time in ROC after two nights here, getting ready to go to NYC for the weekend. Terribly self-indulgent, but it IS my birthday next week, and F's son is playing in a band ... and the project we thought had disappeared has sprung back to life like some self-regenerating alien, so I'll be working a lot more over the next months than I'd thought. So two days in an amazing city, in love -- then home to snowy TO and a lot of angstful clients.

I have some fantastic pics from our otherworldly afternoon on a deserted beach in Big Sur on Monday, but there are cable and software issues, so the download will have to wait until I'm home. For now, I munch my way through the giant slab of trader joe's chocolate I brought F from my first CA trip, and reflect on the fact that F seems to be turning me into a gangster flick fan. We watched Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels last night and both of us have adopted "It's all fucked up! No money! No weed! It's all been replaced by a pile of corpses!" as the perfect stock phrase for project fuckups.

I did actually manage to finish a paper today, a reasonable draft of my third of three comps papers. A good morning of editing and all three should be in shape tomail off, a milestone of sorts. This one was a bit hard to churn out, but it should serve the purpose of demonstrating what I've learned on the bizarre little snakes and ladders game of theory that my phd has been.

Life charmed, stories still unwritten, from one coast to another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It's all fucked up! No money! No weed! It's all been replaced by a pile of corpses! However, being corpses, they are at least silent about their anti-semitism!"