Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ceci n'est pas un pipe

No, it is a plumbing pipe. And I am death on plumbing, apparently. Like those people who claim they have the kind of electromagnetic fields that cause their watches to skip about like sandpipers and never keep time.

The day after my sister gave birth for the first time (at home), I flew up there to coo over the baby and help out. Using the sprayer hose on the kitchen sink while doing dishes, I broke the whole sink. (Apparently it had one of those invisible-only-the-people-who-live-here-can-see-this DO NOT USE signs on it). My brother in law had to go to home depot and replace the whole faucet etc. On no sleep. Instead of bonding with his new baby.

Last week, my ex came over to replace the guts of my toilet. So friendly. She left, it started leaking, $125 in cash to a plumber plus a tip to my super and the toilet worked.

At F's, the disposer issue that ate my Tuesday, when an attempt to clean out the fridge resulted in two sinks full of vile rotting-meat water. An unassuming internet plumber,a snake, an astonishing amount of money.

Today, no water flowing into my (only) toilet. The super, more fiddling. Problem with the new guts.

Flushing VERY gingerly.

And consoling myself with the thought of buying a new car.

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