Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Just, because, you know, Kat likes to know where the heck I am as she runs a B&B out of my flat, here I am. In rochester. The storms battering pretty much everyone else I know haven't shown up yet though the creek I can see out of my office window can only be described as swollen.

Very quickly, a flash: after a lot of agonizingly slow distracted attempts to work, I finally cracked the back of a core question in my first analysis chapter today (about a core paradox in the relationship of my "alpha" couple) -- and in doing that, found the hook for my one outstanding Knowledge Area (aka, course, aka, outstanding credit I'll need to graduate in July. Sent a quick but crisp note to my advisor on that KA, and am hoping that this can just burble out in a great flood.

Well, it IS more like the creek -- not quite a flood, but moving briskly. And you know, kinda bloaty with the unbelievable lack of exercise.

Also, I'm knitting again. Because I didn't have enough hobbies. And I like the idea of taking up knitting again in the same year I plan to learn to ride a motorcycle.

1 comment:

katherine said...

Hahaha. And I am making SO much money!!!

You are getting lots of cards in the mail. I think they might be birthday cards, because faceboink told me tomorrow's your birthday. If I forget to write tomorrow: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I love the last sentence of this post. We need to come up with a cool nickname for chics who ride and knit...