Monday, April 14, 2008

Drafts and Redrafts

Here's what I've been working on:

and this:

Write write write knit knit knit. I actually knit that part of the hat TWICE. Two drafts, as it were. The first time, it was way too small. Apparently, I have Gauge Issues. I'm so glad that this knitting resurgence is revealing a whole new set of potential issues for me. Anyway, the hat is still too small for F, but I think it will fit me, and it's really lovely. The yarn is this really gorgeous merino/baby alpaca/silk from The Fibre Company and it's just beautiful to work with. So soft. But it turns out I'm an anxious, tight-assed little knitter (surprise!), and I need to practice being LOOSE. So I started trying to make a scarf in this complicated lace pattern but made a mistake and couldn't figure out how to fix it. So ripped the whole thing out.

It's all about write/knit, rewrite/reknit. And some of it is beautiful (like the hat is becoming, and how I feel about my methodology section) and some of it is still a scrawly tangled mess. My goal is a full redraft of the dissertation by the end of the week. But I'm not going to get there if I don't head for the library NOW.

1 comment:

katherine said...

Hey! I'm a tight-knitter, too. Don't feel so bad. I actually hurt my hands while knitting. That's why I prefer crocheting.If I knit, I think I'll end up with those tight little gnarled up granny claws when I'm old....

Where are you? I forget...

xoxox k

p.s. on saturday i am DJing for a lesbian hockey team's annual event...hehe