Sunday, September 21, 2008

Suns and no tummies

It's been a mostly worky weekend, though I managed to go for what will probably end up being the last long bike ride of the year yesterday -- 32 miles through a perfect September day in upstate new york, until I was abruptly stopped by a Bridge Out detour and a quick phone call to F to pick me up at some difficult-to-describe place. All sunny though, embodied by the drawing my niece did this week.

Pondering lots of possible futures right now, and having many conversations with immigration lawyers and the like.Very much in the "any path could lead to becoming a slightly different version of me" zone... but it's all pretty cool. I keep waiting for the expected anvil of post-doc depression to drop, but so far, even though I've been crazy busy, it's all been pretty energizing.

A week from today I leave on my weird little pilgrimage to germany, to re-stomp the steps of those two formative years in my childhood...I'm trying to marshal a way to articulate why this is so important for me to do now, and what I want to get out of it. More to come, I guess.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Two things just connected for me, looking at the "art" and the photo on this entry.

Have you thought about switching modality while doing your pilgrimage? Instead of writing/processing ... drawing/processing? Something less text-y?

Just a thought ... wondered if you'd get to different stuff. :-)