Friday, September 19, 2008

F's house is on the market, and the real estate agent has been running around hiding things she thinks might somehow detract from people's interest in the house. I came in on wednesday and found that this postcard had been taken off the wall above my desk and hidden under a pile of papers:

Now, I am pretty good at understanding other people's points of view, but seriously? This particular nude would be offensive to someone? Presumably the same people who are flocking to buy Sarah Palin's glasses.

The thing is, it's a pretty unconventional house -- so I can't match up the agent's notion that the same people who would buy this house instead of any number of pretty how town suburban houses festooned with Harvest! Outdoor Home Decor would be offended by this image. And then I really, really hope that they don't paw too deeply in my underwear drawer.


katherine said...

He let's you have a drawer? lol

That's a gorgeous photo...what's the history?

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!