Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Haiku for my morning

French press sat too long
While wheedling computer guys
Harsh coffee, no mac


I am trying not to get torqued out about the fact that the geek boys can't even give me a diagnosis on the ibook until tomorrow -- Wednesday -- when I have to have resolved my issues to enough of a degree by the end of the day on Thursday so that I'll have a computer to take with me on my 10 day trek from the pacific to the hills of vermont. I'm trying to decide if I'm more fretful about not being able to WORK or not having my online lifeline. I'll have basic email with the treo, but no FULL emailing (and so much of my life happens in email), no blogging, no online community. The twitchiness at that possibility is a Big Sign that maybe I need to go off on an electronic-free quest.

I sure know that my ibook-free stretch of time since last Wednesday night has meant I have MUCH better sleep hygiene, when I fall asleep with a novel in hand instead of dvds on my chest and chat with my west coast peeps. Important to remember :-).

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