Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It's Life

My dear friend Renee sent me a link to this poem today. Very a propos for my slightly too tangled, fretful mood.

The ending is beautiful:

It's life that will consume you in the end, but in the meantime...
It's life that will eat you alive, but for now...
It's life that calls you to the street where the wood smoke hangs,
and the bare hint of a whisper of your name, but before
you go...

Too late: Life got its tentacles around you, its hooks into your heart,
and suddenly you come awake as if for the first time, and
you are standing in a part of the town where the air is
sweet -- your face flushed, your chest thumping, your
stomach a planet, your heart a planet, your every organ a
separate planet, all of it of a piece though the pieces turn
separately, O silent indications of the inevitable, as among
the natural restraints of winter and good sense, life blows
you apart in her arms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marvin Bell, Poem after Carlos Drummond de Andrade