Thursday, November 16, 2006


Postscript to post of the suburbs, gmail chat with Stephanie:

me: I passed two cemeteries on my 4.5 mile run
also 2 high schools
and 2 golf courses
shn: that's lots of dead people, people who think they're invincible and nearly dead people in a very small area


It's not a bad place. The starbucks is nice, if in a rather twee building set off on its own, rather than tucked onto a busy urban street, the way a starbucks should be. There's a good carwash. And F's house is lovely, if prone to making a LOT of haunted-house sort of noises and being WAY too far apart from the neighbours for the comfort of a city mouse who likes her neighbours on the other side of a wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's a suburb of Chicago that is something like 75% cemetery. now that's a lot of dead people.