Friday, November 17, 2006

My niece the cow

My littlest niece will be five months old tomorrow, on the 18th. Here she is, the cutest little cow ever, on Halloween. Here's what she can do: sit up propped against you; try to stand up on her own teeny feet; follow a conversation with her genetically less-likely blue eyes; bat at the little dangling toys and gurgle; demand to be on your lap instead of on her own on the floor; almost-a-push-up; joyfully, gurrrrggggly laugh.

Mica is also a shadow marker for me and F -- our first in-person meeting was the day before she was born. Her development milestones seem to put ours in perspective :-). Like Mica, we don't have to be handled with *absolute* care, we can be tossed around a bit. Kind of a good thing.

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